Monday, March 28, 2011

My first post!

So I have been kind of craving girly girl movies lately, not chick flicks per say, but funny movies with lots of girly fun to them... I feel almost silly watching some of the movies, but I am a girl so it is to be expected, right? Some of the movies I watched recently:
Welcome to the Dollhouse: This was really weird. It reminded me of Napoleon Dynamite without any of the humor. I remember always seeing this on the shelves at Hollywood video when I was a kid and based on the name I wanted to watch it but I never did, I wasn't missing anything... don't recommend it.
Uptown Girls: This is a very girly, but somewhat heartwarming story. My little sister recommended it and I'm glad I finally watched this, although it made me want a pretty bed with a canopy like I used to have when I was younger because the main character has this obnoxiously gorgeous girly canopy bed. 
Who's That Girl: I watched this a long time ago with my mom and have loved it ever since. It's a Madonna movie, but I like Madonna so I really don't mind her as an actress. It's a very fun movie that always makes me want to be more of a wild child.
Call Me-The Rise and Fall of Heidi Fleiss: This isn't a comedy, but I do really like this movie. I've seen it about 10 times now. It's about the Hollywood Madam who was really big in the 80's and early 90's. It's all about sex and power. Basically becoming incredibly rich by having sex. I kind of wish I was able to do that, I just couldn't... I have too much respect for myself and I can only sleep with people I am actually fond of. But it's a hell of a movie :) 
Life Size: a disney movie starring Tyra Banks and Lindsey Lohan before the rehab days (way before, like when she was 11). Super corny but freaking hilarious at times. I hoped that my roommates couldn't hear what I was watching in my room, but I was laughing my ass off so who really cares anyway.
Bridget Jones' Diary: I have seen this movie so many times but I always love it. She is just such a wreck, which is funny when it's Renee Zellweger, but annoying when it's Ben Stiller. 
Some other girly comedies I love are Confessions of a Shopaholic, Mean Girls, Sex and the City, Mannequin, Sixteen Candles, Pretty in Pink, The Devil Wears Prada, The Princess Diaries, Enchanted, House Bunny, The Other Sister, In Her Shoes, Bride Wars, He's Just Not That Into You. 

So this is a very random first post, but that's what you can expect.... I don't have a particular thing I want to write about. So tomorrow it could be about shoes (although probably not) and the next it could be about Volkswagons... who knows. If you enjoy what I have to talk about then hopefully you will decide to follow my blog. But I am not advertizing this at all and my reasoning for having a blog is just to have a place to write (besides my journal). Please comment if you have some lovely words to share with me!